We celebrated Callan's first Thanksgiving in our usual style! A costumed reenactment of the Pilgrim's first harvest meal after their journey on the Mayflower. Or maybe we just went to my
parent's house for a delicious meal and a legitimate seeming reason to have a glass of wine before noon. Either way---lots of fun!
Angie and Joe were able to come home from Chicago, and GG came down from Hastings to spend the day with us before traveling to greatgrandchildpalooza in MN...where she got to see the rest of her great grand kids. Grant and Johanna came over after lunch at her folks'. We missed Ethan and Liza but will look forward to getting to see them at Christmas!
This Thanksgiving, maybe more than ever, I feel so thankful. The kind of thankful that wells your eyes and makes it hard to swallow. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be Callan's mom. Watching him in his carseat as we drove to my parents house I was reflecting on how much had happened in the last year---how 12 months can seem so amazingly long and short at the same time. At this time last year, Eric and I had just moved into our house...and I was spending every spare moment either sleeping or bemoaning my never ending morning sickness. And now, a year later we have this amazing little man, who absolutely lights up my entire life and has made me look at everything and everyone differently. I am truly so thankful, so amazed at what I get to learn and what Callan teaches me every day. And my gratitude is so deep for our wonderful families, who love us and help us in countless ways. We love and are loved--we are rich beyond measure.
I hope you all had wonderful Thanksgivings! Thank you for reading this and keeping up on our little man. We are very glad to have you to share with.
Much love,
Callan, Eric, Vegas & Joslynn