Thursday, September 18, 2008

When Animals Attack (or Our First Jog)

It was bound to happen. Living in the wiles of suburbia you will eventually encounter one of nature's misplaced beasts. Last night on our walk, an attempt was made on our lives. We were attacked by a vicious 9" garter snake. It came out of no where, slithering into the street from the golf course. It was between my foot and the stroller wheel when I finally saw it. I shrieked and ran!!!! When I finally felt that we were out of danger I stopped to see Callan smiling away in his stroller--either he was amused by my antics or he really likes jogging. For repeatability sake I guess we have to hope for the former! Vegas, who LOVES to hunt animals that could be kept as pets like bunnies and birds; didn't even sniff it. Animals so sweet they are in every cartoon ever drawn--those he likes to eat. Scary snakes he just strolls right on by. Who trained him?!

Obviously, I hate snakes. But as I was pushing Callan to safety (home) that is when fear really hit me. I realized that if we have a similar encounter next year, I might have to stop and let Callan look at the snake. And fast forward two years he may even want to touch it or pick it up!!!!!!!! I will have to swallow the heeby jeebies and mom-up, I guess! I think I might have to seek reptilian counseling. (and add a package of protective gloves to our diaper bag)

Enough with my drama---this is supposed to be about Callan! He is very glad that the weather is being more cooperative. He loves to go outside! Eric likes to take him out in his "backpack" every evening. If he is feeling a little fussy that settles him right down! (And Callan likes it too! :)

Our other excitement was a trip to Target! Callan hasn't been to Target except to run in for the essentials, but this week he went with me for the full two hour ordeal. He was so agreeable! He helped me pick out his diapers and then he took a very nice nap, waking up just in time to charm the checkout gal. What a guy!

When I can force tummy time on him, he's doing a great job of lifting his shoulders off the ground. He has only rolled onto his side, not completely over yet, but I think it has more to do with lack of practice time than with capabilities. I have a feeling we'll be seeing that soon! Here's some photographic proof and a few others just for fun.....

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!


Callan, Eric, Joslynn & Vegas