Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Inch by Inch

Callan was four months old on October 12! We celebrated the day with a blow-out shopping trip! We went shopping with my folks and my sister, and during our trip Callan had a blow-out diaper. It required a new outfit for him, and had I better packed the diaper bag, I could have used a change of clothes myself---lesson learned. Now that is a 'mother moment' not thinking a thing about finishing your shopping while you have a little bit of baby poop on your shirt and only a baby wipe to clean it up. If you carry the baby with just the right posture, no one is the wiser!

I absolutely cannot believe how fast the last four months have gone! Truly a blink of an eye. I feel like he gets bigger every day, and the pediatrician confirmed that last week! Callan is just over 27" tall and weighs about 17 lbs! He may have my eyes, but that is his dad's height and metabolism. (lucky boys!) At our appointment we got some very exciting news---we were given the go ahead for solid foods!!!! Eric's sister Gwynne stopped by just in time to witness our first spoon experience and act as photog for us. Callan wasn't nearly as interested as Vegas was! We ended up with more cereal on us than in us, but we have made progress in the last few days! Practice, practice, practice!!! My mom helped me make baby food this weekend and Callan seems to enjoy apple sauce---up next, butternut squash!

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