Woo hoo! This is my 100th blog post. Wow.
I feel like there should be fireworks or something. I think TV shows get cakes for their milestone eps? Hey, any occasion is a cake occasion, peeps.
In honor of my 100th blog, here are a hundred things I love about Callan/mommyhood after #1, no particular order!
2. Development of Ma-Claw (lightening quick hand reflexes and you can carry approx 500 pounds in one hand)
3. Callan learning to say UH OH!
4. Ma Ma Ma ma. Sweetest sound ever!
5. Love pats from my baby.
6. Blowing raspberries.
7. Smelling feet makes Callan laugh.
(this is the "stinkers!" face for smelly feet or poopy pants)8. seeing how communication develops even w/out words
9. watching him sleep
10. bathtime!
11. Jammies.
12. Callan asks for "crabby pincers" by pointing to a picture in a book of a crab and imitating the pincers...which means, tickle me!!!!
13. The way new words come out...with so much effort and meaning.
14. Seeing my parents as grandparents.
15. What a wonderful Dad Eric is.
16. Realizing it is time to be a role model. Do as I say not as I do probably won't cut it.
17. Chocolate or poop moment from Baby Mama. Totally plausible.
18. vrrrrrrrrm. Callan's truck sound.
19. DAw! (Dog)
20. I'm gonna getchyou! followed by squeals of delight
21. Chasing a shrieking streaking baby
22. Practicing waving
23. with enough determination, i can be climbed.
24. sharing a laugh!
25. seeing Callan's memory develop. he's a sharp one!
26. watching Callan get SO excited to see NiNi!
27. Callan learning to say PaPa
28. Vegas learning to love Callan
29. Callan learning to feed Vegas (perhaps 28 is related?)
30. when a cuddle stops the tears
31. finally learning how to stock a diaper bag!
32. never giving Callan formula
33. surviving extreme sleep deprivation
34. imitation
35. learning to make more realistic animal noises
36. watching Callan enjoy meeting other kids
37. Callan getting puppy kisses
38. Callan giving kisses
39. seeing those little tiny baby teeth
40. the bleary eyed first smile of the morning
41. holding a sleeping baby
42. seeing Callan learn what foods he likes and dislikes.
43. discovering that ketchup makes anything edible (see 42)
44. seeing our siblings as aunts and uncles
45. how much our families love Callan!!
46. loving someone truly more than anything else or one on the planet
47. dancing to any song
48. if you are happy and you know it....CLAP your hands!
49. little feet stomping.
50. baby sign language
51. bre. bre. (umbrella)
52. learning something new every day
53. becoming immune to spit up
54. the value and importance of Tide-To-Go (see 53)
55. GG loving Callan!
56. Ang sending Chicago sports outfits to her favorite nephew. (whoops. cat out of bag.)
57. Watching my brothers try to trick Callan/play pesky Uncle.
58. My Dad's smile when he watches Callan
59. seeing the wheels turn!
60. trying to imagine tomorrow's wonders let alone next week, next month, next year
61. hearing little running footsteps when you come in the door from work
62. eating crayons
63. trying to stomach yogurt because Callan fed it to me. yuck. I will have to draw the line at mayo.
64. Callan waves and waves and waves at everyone, even when they don't wave back. Persistence!
65. pots and pans are magical
66. there is no sitting. no sitting.
67. reading books to Callan
68. seeing a little bit of nature vs nurture. boys are boys are boys!
69. Callan learning to take his shoes off and on
70. Callan trying on Eric's shoes
71. Seeing him reach up to open doors
72. the waddle of a full diaper
73. Callan's first Halloween costume. Awww!
74. Unbelievable how much Callan has changed in a month. And year ago is hardly recognizable!
75. How important being Callan's mom makes me feel!
76. learning that EVERYTHING goes in the mouth
77. seeing how many restrictions we put on people that are against our natural instincts. like taking what we want and sharing.
78. Callan learning to pet Veggie GENTLY.
79. His obsession with lawn mowers.
80. Ha Ha ha. Callan's imitation of The Count
81. Not realizing how much Callan has grown until his pajamas won't fit any more
82. Buying size 7 shoes for a 14 month old.
83. Coming to terms with the idea that no one will EVER say...he's gonna be tall and thin like his mom. DNA.
84. Seeing a little bit of a curl in those wild blonde locks
85. Blue eyes!
86. remembering how interesting rocks are.
87. Callan calling a beer "DaDa"
88. A baby laugh after a burp
89. a deliberate head nod. yes. yes. yes
90. that it takes a few times to remember that eating sand is not a great plan
91. that i have the ability to carry snacks in my purse without actually consuming them.
92. pictures are always worth waiting for!
93. short hair
94. learning that I sometimes need to wear flats. and may someday even prefer them.
95. being able to exchange knowing looks with Eric about exactly how wonderful and amazing we both find Callan to be.
96. being in the mom club. you can talk to perfect strangers about their boobs, clothing stains, advice, diaper preferences, anything you want and they get it.
97. pride
98. realizing that Callan wont' remember the memories we are making, but will remember the stories we tell him about the memories.
99. seeing that baby face as my desktop on my computer makes me smile every single day.
100. being a mom. best kept secret ever.
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