Just like in the movie, our brilliant baby knows sign language! He has become so interested in communicating. He's got the baby-sign for milk down, hands open and close. And he has created his own sign language for poopy pants. The bunny sniff. It is very, very funny! I mean, that is all you really need---to tell someone when you are hungry or thirsty and to let them know that one of you stinks. That about covers it!
He is also building his vocabulary! About two weeks ago I swear he said UP to me, and last week BALL. This week, ENVIRONMENT. Kidding. But it is amazing how many new sounds he is making and how frustrated he gets when you don't listen to what he is trying to tell you! I'm not sure it counts as a word, but if you show him a truck or tractor he'll make the "brmmmmm" sound.
He is also perpetually exploring. Touching, grabbing, clapping, banging, licking, ripping...he wants to get everything figured out. Here he is trying to figure out the strap that holds the outdoor umbrella closed.
He has started mimicking and will try something after you demonstrate. He has also started to initiate game play...like peek-a-boo. When we were cleaning this weekend he went over to the bed and put his head under the comforter to start playing. So sweet!!!! He walks every where and has little time or patience for being carried or carted. If you have him strapped into his car seat/stroller/highchair you had better mean business because his patience is NOT going to last long!
Speaking of his high chair, he is trying very hard to be able to use a spoon! It is a messy, messy learning experience but one that Vegas is very much enjoying.
Callan never ceases to amaze me with all that he learns and all that he is capable of. Even with out many words he his funny, smart and kind. I can see that for everything he learns, I have a few hundred lessons I should take from him.
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