Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We're Number One!!!!!

I can still hardly believe as I type this that I am the mother of a one year old little boy! In so many ways the year seems to have speed by and it seems like yesterday that I was holding a newborn in my arms praying that he would get out of the NICU. And in other ways that seems like with all that has changed, it must have been ten years ago. Callan has grown into a wonderful little fellow. I realize I may not be exactly 'objective' but seriously, is this not the cutest guy you've seen---EVER???!!!!

He had an absolutely wonderful birthday! Eric and I spent the day with him Friday and then we went to NiNi and PaPa's to see all the out of towners. Lots of fun! And on Saturday we got ready for the big party! Callan had a great time. I don't know what he thought of so many people admiring him, but since it was an occasion to have coolers out filled with ice, he was all for it. I had no idea how fascinating those things would be to him. (side note: he has started to call beer bottles Dad. "Relax" much, Eric???) He did not disappoint and enjoyed every spreadable inch of his little birthday cake. Uncle Grant made the cutest cake ever, and it was every bit as delicious as it looked! Callan agrees!

We were so lucky to have nearly all of our family here, we were only missing Eric's niece who decided on a rotation in Belize instead of a first birthday party. Some people, eh? ; ). All of Callan's great grandparents were able to come, including my grandparents from Albuquerque who were able to meet Callan for the first time. (They were charmed, of course!) We had a wonderful day and were truly, truly blessed to be able to celebrate such a special occasion with so many people who love our little man! Thank you to our friends and family for an unforgettable day! (yes, I know---Callan wont' remember! But I'll never forget!)

As you can imagine, after such a shin dig--we had some serious cleaning up to do. And wouldn't you know it, not only is Callan handsome, he is smart as whip! I was packing us up for a trip to NiNi and PaPas on Sunday and as I turned around he was grabbing the table cloth off the dining room table, he took it into the laundry room and tried to open the washing machine to load it up. Is that the sweetest or what? I can't wait until he learns to fold!!!!

What an amazing year it has been. I couldn't have prepared for it, I couldn't have planned for it, and I couldn't have asked for anything more. YAY Callan!

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