Monday, April 13, 2009

Beat It.

Callan's first Easter was so much fun! We spent Saturday with Eric's family in Wahoo. The weather was beautiful! Aunt Beth brought lots of eggs so Callan was able to enjoy his first egg hunt....he seemed to know just what to do! And when he lost interest his cousins were more than happy to pick up his slack. Callan loves to watch his cousins, especially Rachael! He was also especially thrilled that MoJo, Stephanie's teeny tiny Yorkie was there, he was lots of fun to watch run around. Lucky for MoJo Callan can't quite catch him just yet....

Now that Callan is eating 'table' food, these events present an interesting challenge for us. ME! I am learning that any special occasion that normally involves dessert or candy also involves people wanting to feed said dessert or candy to my baby. After spending the last ten months feeding Callan exclusively breast milk and making all of his baby food homemade so that it was completely organic with no pesticides or can understand that I might be a little resistant to this idea. This started early in the week when my dad sent me an email asking me if I would be letting Callan have Easter candy!?!?! (written "will you be letting Callan have a little candy on Easter?", meaning: "Do you intend to ruin one of the great pleasures of grandparenthood by refusing to allow me to give Callan one tiny little harmless piece of candy on a holiday that is all about candy?") ((ANSWER: NOOOOOOOOO CANDY! (sorry Dad!)) On Saturday I was diving between Callan and wrapped candy, blocking a well intentioned great grandmother trying to feed Callan pie, cake and, just for balance, a Hershey bar. I was succesful! But hours of being on sugar watch started to wear me down. By the time Sunday rolled around my resolve was weakening.
Sunday. Callan's first Easter basket was full of lots of fun stuff from The Bunny! An Elmo puppet, some bubbles, a new book and a little chicky. Callan loved the bubble container and Vegas loved and wanted to eat Elmo, the book and the little chicky, with a helping of Easter Basket for dessert. My parents, my grandma and Grant and Johanna came over to have Easter dinner with us. We had a great time! Callan was thrilled to see everyone and was almost immedeately tired from all of the attention! I too was starting to feel a little tired.
And by the time dessert was ready and I was whipping the cream for pies...I crumbled. I decided since it was just cream and an isty bit of sugar and vanilla, that it would be ok. Just a little taste. Well, of course, Callan was delighted. I had no idea the beater instinct was so strong. I think it is a Hon gene. But we are back on the bandwagon! If I keep this up, when we get to Mexico, Callan will arrive in a protective bubble and by the time we come home he'll be drinking a margarita at the airport. I have to get a hold of myself!!!! No more lines in the sand. No more sugar until the big birthday cake! I MEAN IT!

We were so glad to get to see Grandma Char and Grandpa Mike, GG, Uncle Grant and Aunt Jo, but we missed Angie, Joe, Ethan and Liza! Can't wait to see you all in June!!!!

P.S. We also missed wishing Aunt Beth a Happy Birthday! And an early Happy Birthday to Grandpa Roger!

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