Thursday, January 28, 2010


OK, so as you just read…there is a new baby on their way to our cozy little home! We were surprised and excited! I personally was relieved to learn that my symptoms of headache, nausea and exhaustion were not a brain tumor but instead the result of my once- again –proven- atrocious -math skills. As my Dr. told me, “blessed be those who practice natural family planning as they shall be called parents.” Touche, Dr. N. touchĂ©.
Anywho. As the shock became excitement and the nausea became vomiting, we were so pleased to find out that there is one (yes, only one!!!!) new little baby on their way to our house. We have shown Callan the picture of the ultrasound and told him he is going to have a brother or a sister. On every occasion that we discuss this, he responds with “Sisser.” So we shall see. If he is right, I think we may have family casino day and take that kid to the roulette table. He might not know his numbers from 1-36, but he sure does know his colors---let it ride on red!
But I digress. Another part of the experience we are sharing with Callan is letting him know where the baby is. As soon as I told him that the baby was in my tummy. He turned around, looked at me, put his hand on my tummy and said “OPEN.” When I laughed, he said, “Please.” Is that too sweet or what? So I had to explain to him that the baby was very very tiny (even though mommy is already very very big) and that he or she had to grow big, bigger, biggest before they were able to come out and meet him. Since Callan knows all about doors and knocking to gain entry/exit, I told him the baby would start knocking when they were ready. I have a feeling that explanation could backfire on me. Time will tell.
Callan should be a big brother on or around July 22. We will find out brother or sisser status in March I think. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Really Jos? Jan 28th???? Hello!!! Posts please!