Monday, November 3, 2008

Stop, Chomp and Roll

WE HAVE TEETH!!!!!!!!!! OK, tooth. How fitting that our first tooth shows itself the day before our Halloween...the favorite holiday of tooth decay. We tried very hard to get a picture of our new little sharpie, but only succeeded in temporarily blinding Callan with the flash, and getting pictures of my fingers and his tongue covering his tooth. I included those anyway, just to show our efforts!

In other firsts, Callan started to roll over! He's not particularly fond of it, it is by no means a transportation mode just yet...but he can flip from stomach to back and is dangerously close from back to stomach. This was also way to challenging for my poor photographic skills...also I decided it isn't a good idea to leave a rolling baby alone while I go get my camera. I think Callan's days of staying where we put him are numbered. In fact we are down to hours I think.... We are on the move. LOOK out!

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