Thursday, November 12, 2009


I was sitting here trying to think about what to post---Callan saying "Jimmy James," or him calling his blankey "so soft."
But instead how about what I was thinking about today, how lucky I am.
In a world full of things that are sometimes awful and a little rotten. I am as lucky as they come. I have a beautiful, healthy, brilliant little boy. A helpful partner. A mom who continues to help me create my whole universe through her generosity. A dad who finds being a grandparent to be the most thrilling thing in the universe. A family that is more loving and supportive than anyone has a right to. Friends that make me laugh.
I am so lucky.
And even more thankful.
I hope I can pass along some of this good fortune to Callan.
If his life so far is any indication, and the love he receives any measure, he might be the luckiest boy ever born.

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